Conceptual development of a rollout

Comprehensive support and further development of a worldwide rollout including quality assurance and project communication.

Starting position and objective

  • On-going rollout of digital assets and new roles and new roles as part market- and cross-distribution program to improve the customer experience in 27 markets
  • Execution of the rollout in the start-up phase via a general contractor with a complex subcontractor structure. It is to be examined to what extent the responsibility can be handed over to the markets after the completion of the first rollout phase
  • In addition, transparency about the progress and quality of the ongoing rollout towards management and other internal stakeholders is to be created


  • Further development of the rollout concept after completion of the HQ start-up support, incl. Analysis of service provider contracts and responsibilities (HQ / market level)
  • Conception of a KPI for transparent reporting regarding the global rollout progress and management communication, as well as for implementation and establishment of the appropriate tool
  • Conceptual development of Quality Assurance measures and tools to track rollout quality
  • Research and evaluation of suitable measures for project communication


  • Rough concept for the post-rollout, including options for action and derivation of measures
  • Comprehensive KPI reporting tool for the automated preparation and presentation of rollout KPIs
  • Concept for project and successful communication for the target groups HQ, markets and dealers